Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Back to School

First day back to school and no work. In an odd sort of way it's kinda nice - I had a sleepless night due to a massive rain and wind storm, so I'm probably too tired to deal with 30 kiddos. I'm also freed up to update my blog and make lots of new resources. On the negative side, it's very strange not being in work. I've always been very fortunate when it comes to teaching. I did two terms of supply work after I qualified, which took me up to the summer break. I managed to find a full time permanent contract almost immediately after that, which started in the new school year. I stayed there for four years, but a very long commute (over 100 miles every day..) took its toll. I took a huge step at the end of the summer term this year to give up my safe situation and take a chance with supply teaching. Again, I was very lucky to land myself a term's assignment up until Christmas. Now, however, I am left out on a limb. I know the work will come eventually (supply in the UK is a bit sparse at the moment as schools seem to be covering absences in-house), and I already have four days in the diary for next week, but it feels very odd not being in work when the kiddos are...

Another huge step for me is my appointment with Jobcentre Plus this afternoon - just as a fall back measure in case the work does not come through...

I intend to make the most of it....!


  1. What a great idea to have the ready-made, any grade level, go to resources available. Sometimes, those days arrive when we unexpectedly are out and having a "bag of tricks" is wonderful.

    Teaching in Room 6

  2. Thank you Stephanie. It's good to have some free time at the moment to focus on resources. I see such great ideas out there but never seemed to have time to do anything about it. I hope you find something of use here - and keep a look out for freebies.

    I'll be sure to look in on your blog too.



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