Showing posts with label Linky Parties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linky Parties. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Hot off the press! Read all about it!

Morning all - and a Happy Easter to you!

A few things to share with you today:

Firstly, the latest edition of my newsletter has just been published. You can link up to it here. And why not use the tab on the right to sign up to get the newsletter delivered straight to your inbox - that way you won't miss a thing!

Secondly, I've just popped over to Natasha's linky. Natasha is based Down Under and runs a fabulous linky party every Saturday. This week she has a huge range of link ups with an Easter theme, so there's something for everyone. You're sure to find some creative ideas for your holiday.
Finally, don't forget to join in with my Welcome Back giveaway. There are 5 prizes up for grabs with 21 chances of winning.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, 4 April 2013

You're Invited to a Birthday Bash!

It's Teaching Blog Addict's 2nd birthday and you're all invited to join in with the celebrations! It's probably going to be the biggest and best freebie link-up the teacher-blogger world has ever seen, with over 1000 freebies up for grabs. You won't want to miss it. I've chipped in a few little gems too, so watch out for them (wink wink).

Click on the button to take you to the party - and be sure to enjoy!

Teaching Blog Addict - Ultimate Freebie

Thursday, 3 January 2013

2013 Linky Party, New Year Back to School Resources, and a Final Call

2013 New Year Linky Party

Today I'm linking up with Teaching Is A Gift, who is hosting a fab linky party to find ideas for New Year's Resolutions and goals. Check it out by clicking the button.


New Year 2013 Writing Frames

A very kind follower pointed out that, although my 2012 writing paper was great, she would like to see it updated for 2013. I am very grateful. My regular readers will know that I've been struggling with a virus (now into its 6th week. . !) and lots of things that I had planned to do just didn't get done. So I've taken the old stuff off my TPT shop (unless anyone has a burning need for 2012 writing paper. . ?) and replaced it with a brand new set of writing frames for 2013 - great for all your back to school writing activities. Check it out here.

Don't forget my Make a Resolution pack, crammed full of activities to help your children think and write about the promises they want to make in 2013.

Final Call..

A quick reminder that my 1st Blogoversary Giveaway will end in just 1 day. There are 4 Rafflecopters with some terrific prizes - don't be put off, keep scrolling down for all the great prizes. Click here to pop on across to check it out.

Good luck!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

December Currently

I love reading all the Currentlys on Farley's blog. I love the fact that Farley does this for us every month (perhaps that should be her RAK...?). I'm just a bit naughty because I have every good intention of doing mine and then something else comes along to stop me. Today I sat down and did it... Here it is...

Listening - I sing in a ladies' choir. We sang at school and reformed around 11 years ago. We are at varying stages of age and size... but the sound is the same. I'll try to post a sound clip for you to have a listen. Thing is, whenever we do a concert that is a bit short in the programme area, our MD ropes me in to sing solos. Our next concert on 16th December is with a male choir who - wait for it - only have 5 pieces of Christmas music! So guess what - I've been roped in... I'm singing Judy Garland's version of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" and a piece I've never sung before - "The Little Road to Bethlehem". Not a problem, except that I've gone and lost my voice this week and can't rehearse. It's so bad I'm off work.

Loving - now don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the cold. In fact, I don't thrive at all. But I have to admit to having a liking for dark afternoons - there's something about shopping in the dark with the Christmas lights ablaze. As for satsumas, I can't get enough of them at this time of year. I ate 7 yesterday!

Thinking - oh, how I long for Christmases past, when things seemed to be much easier and simpler. I don't like all the hype that goes with Christmas - give me the look of excitement on a child's face any day to all the jingle jangle of cash tills. So, as you can guess, I have managed so far to steer away from shopping. I can't out it off for too much longer though - people expect...

Wanting - follows on from my "thinking". Someone to do it all for me would be grand.

Needing - I've bought the dress, but could really do with losing a few pounds (maybe 2 stone is going a bit far...). Seriously, I'm looking forward to the wedding. It'll certainly be different...!

As for my RAK, well I've often thought about stopping for people but never actually done it. I'm not sure what the reaction would be...

I'm just off to link up. See you soon.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Sleigh Full of Goodies Blog Hop

Exciting news for you all! Beth over at Thinking of Teaching is hosting a fantastic blog hop over the 12 Days of Christmas. This is your chance to get 12 days worth of fabulous freebies in time to celebrate the holidays with your kiddos. You can see her post by clicking the picture.

Each day there will be a different freebie or craft highlighted on a blog for you to visit and enjoy - my days are 4th and 8th December. Beth is also hosting a linky party for the entire 12 days so you can link up with your own Christmas freebies and crafts too.

The fun starts on December 1st so make sure you check back in..
get the InLinkz code

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Book of the Month Linky Party - The Apple Pie Tree

Hey all!

Today has been mad! Lately I've been getting very annoyed with my environment - it's always so busy that sometimes housework and stuff takes a back seat. I'm a self-confessed Obsessive Compulsive, and this weekend I really needed to get down to it - before I went well and truly bonkers! With a nice early start at 8.30am, after several mugs of Starbucks to get me going, I got stuck in. First job, clean out the cupboard to make room for the towels that have been hanging around homeless for a few weeks. Then, the Great Autumn Sort kicked off. With no storage, I had to be ruthless. I filled four huge sacks with clothing! I kid you not, clothing with swing tags still on - Jasper Conran, Julien Macdonald, you name it, it was there - and all brand new! The charity shop is in for a treat tomorrow... It's taken all day, but I can finally walk around the house without screaming or wanting to run away... Next weekend it's the garden's turn for a tidy-up...

I hopped across to Tammy's place this evening. Those of you who know me through my blog will know that I love books. I'm filling up my bookshelf here and always love to take opportunities to tell you about great books that I think the kids will love. So Tammy's linky is right up my street. It's all about sharing ideas on great books that we can all use in the classroom. This month Tammy wants us to share books that are MUST READS for the month of OCTOBER. So, these books should be an "October" theme that you do in your class. (Fall, Pumpkins, Halloween, etc) It does not have to be seasonal but it needs to be something you are reading this month!:) If you have more than one, share those too.  Post pictures of your books and activities you do with your class:). Here is the link to Tammy's blog where you can get all the details.

I linked up with my favourite book of the moment - The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall. I have blogged about it before here

The packet provides a huge selection of activities that you can teach as a stand-alone unit, or use separately in Literacy/Writing Centres. Everything you need is there, and can just be printed off and used with minimum  preparation and effort. It includes:
  • Before reading inference using the cover as a prompt
  • After reading discussion prompt cards
  • Record sheets
  • Editing sentences
  • Alphabetical ordering
  • Phoneme count
  • Syllable search
  • Sensory poem writing activity
  • Word wall
  • Story sequencing - the tree
  • Story sequencing - baking a pie
  • Story sequencing - the Robin family
  • Storyboarding
  • Four seasons of an apple tree - posters to collage
  • Teacher answer keys where applicable


It's 10.30pm here and I'm jiggered from all my autumn clear-out! Have a great week whatever you end up doing, and be sure to keep me posted!


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

I Love the Fall and Linky Parties

It's been one mad whirl of activity this week - Monday band rehearsal, tonight Welsh class, tomorrow choir. Last night was the only down time I've had in a while - and even that was filled with driving here, there and everywhere in Mum's Taxi... It's 11.35pm and I'm up early tomorrow, so this is going to be a very quick post.

I've been having a nose at lots of blogs over the last few days and I absolutely love what I see! I just have to share with you. I never fail to be impressed by the creativity of my fellow teachers all around the world - it's great to feel supported and part of such a fantastic community. So here's a little thumbs up to some of the linky parties I've come across - do check them out if you can and pick up lots of new ideas and a few freebies along the way.

Teacher 2 Teacher is hosting a Fall linky party with lots of links to wonderful products available from TPT.
Here's another great Fall Linky from Cynthia at 2nd Grade Pad. Hop across and check it out.
And of course, Heather's wonderful Fall Blog Hop, which is on until Sunday 30th September.
Night night all!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Fall Blog Hop Day Three - and Something Special

Fall Blog Hop Day Three

Hop Across and Take a Look

Heather's Fall Blog Hop has taken off in style. There are some fantastic freebies and Fall ideas there, as well as loads of opportunities to meet new friends - and it's not too late to check it all out. The Linky Party is open until 30 September, so if you want to join in just click on the banner below for all the details.

Teaching My 3

Now for something completely different...

Well, almost. Those of you who have been reading my Fall posts will know that I'm offering a free "Five Little Pumpkins" flip book in the Fall Linky Party. You'll also know that I've been hard at work on a "Five Little Pumpkins" slideshow - and you won't be disappointed. It turned out much cuter than I could ever have imagined. It's in my shops now, so do check it out and let me know what you think - Would you like more like this? Or is it totally rubbish?


See y'all tomorrow!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Fall Blog Hop and Animated Story Free to a Good Home..

Fall Has Arrived - Or Should I Say Autumn...

It's finally here...

Yes, Fall has officially arrived. And yes, I should say autumn coming from the UK. But Fall has a much more magical ring to it I think. My favourite season of the year with so much going on and that glorious feeling of change in the air... One of the joys of my previous school was that the city was (and is) famous for cider making. The city boasts a cider factory - Bulmers - which has been making cider there for well over 150 years. At this time of year, the air is filled with the smell of crushed apples, distilled apples and apple pie - glorious!

This Weekend I have Mostly Been... hopping, and enjoying every minute. I have found some wonderful new blogs that I will be sure to visit time and time again. It's great to make new friends and to see all the wonderful work you're all doing out there. It's also great to know that I'm not on my own here - it's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that there's no-one at the other end of your blogs and forget that there are so many like-minded people who get so much from keeping in touch and sharing ideas. Thank you all!

I hope you've all had chance to join up with Heather's Fall Blog Hop - there really is a wealth of great stuff to pick up and a lot of new firneds to make. The Linky Party runs through until 30th September, so there's still lots of time to link up. Just click on the banner to find out more.

   Teaching My 3

I Love A Freebie - Who Doesn't ...?

For those of you who linked up with the Fall Blog Hop, you might have seen and downloaded my little contribution - a free Hallowe'en flip book based on "Five Little Pumpkins". To compliment the book, I've now just finished the slideshow. It's fully animated to keep the kiddos totally engrossed. Plenty of time has been left between the sentences so that developing readers can take their time to sound out and blend. There is a little surprise on the last page, with a scary spider scuttling its way across the page, and on the credits page a Hallowe'en bat flies across the page to deliver its message - The End.


I had huge fun making this one. I loved playing around with the animations and page transitions. I'd love for a few of you to test drive the slideshow, so if you fancy a freebie in exchange for your views, just drop me a line below. The first three of you to comment will get the slideshow.

It's bed time for me but not so for you, so all that's left to be said tonight is enjoy the first day of Fall!

Saturday, 22 September 2012

First Day of Autumn, Fall Blog Hop and a Fall Freebie

Teaching My 3
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Teaching My 3"><img src="" alt="Teaching My 3" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I am really excited to be joining in with Heather's Fall Blog Hop!Specially for the first day of autumn I've whipped up a cute flip book for you. It's based on the counting song "Five Little Pumpkins" and is great for early readers and counters. I hope you enjoy! I'm also planning to turn this into a fully animated powerpoint which will be available in my stores soon.

Lots of wonderful teaching friends are joining in the Blog Hop too, so be sure to pop along and find out what's in store.

Why not join in yourself and join up to this Fall-tastic linky party..? Here's how to do it...

Participation Guidelines:

1. Your post must be linked to a blog, not a store.

2. Your post must be something useful to a teacher and/or homeschooler.

3. Add the FALL BLOG HOP button to your post.

4.. YOU MUST post this code to the HTML for your post. 
This keeps the BLOG HOP going.
cut and paste from here:

<!-- start InLinkz script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=' + new Date().getTime() + '"><\/script>');</script>
<!-- end InLinkz script -->

Happy Fall Y'All!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Blog Hopping

Funny how I always seem to be drinking Starbucks when I blog.... Decaf of course..

I have been checking out some of my favourite blogs this morning, and just want to give a few of them a special mention:

Heather's Heart
Heather has posted the most touching and inspiring poem which reminds us of the amazing opportunities we have as teachers to make a real difference. She also has a copy of her Love Monsters Maths Order resource to give as a freebie.

Amanda at A Special Kind of Class has posted a collection of wonderful pics of her kiddos carrying out fine motor activities. I am linking up with her and Deborah at Teach Preschool to add my ideas at her Linky Party. Why not hop on over and join in too?
Teach Preschool 
I never fail to be amazed and inspired by the tremendous imagination and skill of my fellow bloggers. I'm sure as the day moves on I'll find lots more fantastic posts which I'll share here and on my Facebook page.


Linky Party - Fine Motor Activities.

Deborah at Teach Preschool is having a Linky Party to share ideas on fine motor activities. Here are a few ideas:

1. Threading beads etc
2. Tracing (letters, numbers, shapes etc)
3. Making breadcrumbs - rubbing and rolling flour and fat
4. That good old fashioned game from my childhood - Operation ..!

Teach Preschool

Saturday, 4 February 2012

I am joining up with Kimberley at Funky First Grade Fun, who is holding a "Who Do You Love?" Valentine Linky Party. Here goes....:

It's NOT Fair! The Frog Desk Fairy forgot to leave me a treat! ( & LINKY PARTY)

Lorraine at Fabulous Fourth Grade Froggies is having a Linky Party. She uses the "Frog Desk Fairy" to help encourage her students to keep their desks clean and tidy, and wants to know what others do in their classes.

I use the Cleaning Monkey who comes by my class every night checking each desk for tidiness. He leaves a card on each table, with a rating. This way, kiddos all have something left for them (though some are unhappy to get a "messy" rating..), and they all work really hard to get a card. Cards all count up for special rewards.

Hop on over to Lorraine's blog to join the party.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

My Go-To Book -- A Linky Party

Stephanie at  is holding a Linky Party on Go-To books. There are so many books that I draw inspiration from, but at the moment the one that gives me most strength is Sue Cowley's "You Can Create a Calm Classroom". In tough times it's a good mantra to remind me that I actually AM a good teacher and I will win them all over in the end.

Pop over and join the Linky party.

You Can Create a Calm Classroom for Ages 7-11

Tried Amazon Prime?

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