Wednesday, 4 January 2012

New Resources

No-one told me that blogging was addictive....

I have been busy with the "Now or Later" range of resources, and added a new tab so that you can find them more easily. I hope you are enjoying them and that they are proving to be useful in the classroom.

Every week I will be posting a featured freebie. Drop me a line if you have any requests. Today's freebie will be a Synonym Search. Look out for it!



  1. Blogging has changed my classroom and teaching.
    Love it.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. I know what you mean. We all try to network with teachers locally, but blogging has opened the whole thing up. Now it's great to be able to speak with teachers from all across the world and find out what they are doing. I love it too!



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a message. I read every single one and try to reply to as many as possible.

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