Saturday, 4 February 2012

February brings the snow...

After a fairly mild winter by last year's standards, it all seems to be catching up with us. Last week was freeeeezzzzzing - the light dusting of snow we got on Monday never quite disappeared due to the very cold temperatures. And today we're having the snow they forecast. I hoped it might have passed us by, but no, it's here. So here I am, sitting in the warm, thinking about my latest venture.

A very big plus was that I finally caught up with my emails this morning, and found to my huge delight that I had won Teacher Blogger Exchange's Wednesday giveaway - a fantastic set of heart activities for 100 day, all courtesy of  Amanda at  A Special Kind Of Class . Thank you very much Amanda and Caitlin.

Later this evening I will be announcing the winners of my Valentine Giveaway. The response was a little disappointing, but I have to keep reminding myself that I am new to all this and things take time - Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say. Look out for the email later.

And finally, this evening I am hoping to finish my first complete unit plan. It was almost ready at the end of last week, but my laptop took a funny turn and wiped it - all 28 pages! I managed to recover an earlier version, thanks to Norton, but it means I have to go back to redo the bits that were lost. Fingers crossed....

Have a good evening - and stay warm...

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