Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Welcome to SOS Supply!

Working for four years in a primary school over fifty miles from home, and making a round trip of over a hundred miles each day, I took the decision to look for a teaching post closer to home. This meant taking a huge leap of faith in quitting my job. Since September, I have been a supply teacher covering South Wales. I have already built a reputation as the supply teachers want in their classrooms - what a huge compliment!

Being a supply teacher is not my end goal, but I know for many teachers, this is their chosen way of working. It has many merits. There are many top quality supply teachers out there who allow learning to continue and not simply give the children a "free day". With this blog I hope to offer tips, tricks, and techniques I have learned that help me be a better supply teacher, with the hope that others will also find it useful. I hope to be able to offer lesson plans, resources and lots of useful hints, as well as the odd freebie for good measure..

This blog will evolve over time. and I am certainly no expert... I have been hugely inspired by the amazing websites and blogs of our American cousins and hope to be able to produce something that passes for a decent blog. There will be days when it will be difficult to update it, and others when it will come easily. I am always open to suggestions...

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