Monday, 16 January 2012

A Moan and a FREEBIE..

I'm not a huge fan of winter: me and the cold don't get on and I wish I could hibernate like all those fortunate little critters tucked up nice and warm in their burrows or holes or wherever else they may be. At the moment it's freezing here. After a very mild few weeks, General Winter is attacking with a vengeance. Nothing like last year, I should add - that was truly apocalyptic... But all the same, it's freezing. No work for me today, so I've managed to stay fairly warm indoors. Moan over..!

The last few times I've been into schools have got me thinking. Many schools are really organised when it comes to providing for supply teachers: they leave lots of instructions, fully comprehensive planning, and a report proforma for the supply to write up at the end of the day. Some, however, are not so organised... Knowing the type of information I need to know as the class teacher, and also the type of information I want to pass on to the class teacher as a Supply, I have worked up this cute little FREEBIE report form for you. It is also available in a slightly different format for UK teachers. Do leave me a comment to let me know what you think, and feel free to pass it on, with a link back to my blog.

US Sub Report

UK Supply Teacher Report

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