Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Teaching First Celebration

Teaching First

Teacher First is celebrating reaching over 200 followers.  CONGRATULATIONS!  She has got together with a super group to host a give-away of 9 packets to THREE lucky winners.  Entry is easy and there are bonus entries available also.  Click on her blog button (isn't it cute?!) above and be taken straight to the post to enter.

These are great people(along with herself) who are donating the 9 packets:



  1. Thank you so much for sharing our giveaway on your cute blog!! Hugs!!
    Teaching First

  2. Thank you so much for posting about our giveaway on your cute blog! I will make sure to add your blog to my "New Blogs On the Block" blog roll on my side bar! I'm your newest follower! =)

    Teaching First


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