Saturday, 11 February 2012

Presidents' Day **FREEBIE**

Happy Saturday! It's been nice to chill today (literally - the weather is freeezzzing!), knowing that there is no school next week. It's half term and I've never before needed a break so much...

I've been busy catching up on lots of fabulous blogs and thinking about some new resources. To compliment my Presidents' Day Activity Pack, I've put together a little activity all about the Grace Bedell letter to Abe Lincoln. I was particularly taken with this little tale and hope to be able to use it if I get chance after half term. I know that children over here will be really excitied by it.

I'd love to know what you think, so I'm giving away part of the pack as a freebie for a limited time. The focus is on K-3 (UK years 1-4), with children writing their own Lincoln letter to a relative or friend, followed by a trip to the post office to mail it themselves. If you like what you see, please let me know. The full pack ,which has a range of activities for all grades, is available in my TPT store at the very reasonable price of just $1.50.

As usual, a free copy to the first four people who:

  • follow my blog
  • follow my Facebook page
  • leave me a comment here to say that you have done so
Closing date midnight (GMT) Wednesday 15th February. Good luck everyone!


  1. The freebie part of the pack looked fun. I had never heard the story about the little girl before. Interesting! I could totally see this turning into a writing project where we actually write a letter to the president.

    Thanks for sharing the freebie! I think it looks great.

    sarahmarianj at gmail dot com
    Squirrel-Bottom Diaries :o)

  2. Thank you so much Sarah. Look out for my George Washington pack later today.

    1. Thank you so much Sarah. Look out for my George Washington pack later today


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