Thursday 1 March 2012

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant Hapus!

Bore da pawb... Sorry, I can't resist a bit of Welsh today. What a glorious day for St David! It's our patron saint's day today. Children all across Wales will go to school dressed in national costume (although nowadays laziness has taken over and most of them will just wear a Wales rugby shirt...) and hold lots of eisteddfodau (concerts in Welsh). The story of St David is wonderful. It is said that he was the one who introduced the daffodil and leek as Welsh symbols. During a particularly bloody battle with the Saxons, it was difficult to see in the fracas who was fighting who. So David instructed the Welsh army to wear the leek in their helmets so they could recognise each other. Apparently the battle took place in a field of leeks. The daffodil is a form of leek, which is why it is also taken as a symbol of Wales. Whatever the story behind it, what a wonderful, bright emblem for the first day of spring. If anyone is interested in teaching their kiddos about our traditions and customs, I've made up a little powerpoint - it's FREE!

This week is busy for other reasons - World Book Day and Dr Seuss's birthday. I have to admit,we Brits are not too clued up on Dr Seuss. We know about Cat in the Hat, but that's about it. And I've never seen any lessons based around Dr Seuss. That's why I'm so intrigued, and I plan to find out more. I've seen some of the wonderful resources my blogging friends have cooked up, and would like to delve into it a bit deeper. So that'll be part of my plan for this year. Schools all across the UK - and the world- will be celebrating World Book Day. Mia's school is no exception. Although she's in high school, they will be dressing up as their favourite book character today. Have you ever seen a 17 year old togged up as Cat in the Hat...?  She looked great, but dashed out of the house so quickly this morning that she didn't give me chance to take a photo for you... Method in her madness.

Anyway, enough of all that. Enjoy today, whether you're celebratingDydd Gwyl Dewi Sant, World Book Day, Dr Seuss's birthday or some other wonderful event.



  1. Love it! I am going to show this to my kids tomorrow. They will love it!
    Can you send me your email so I can get you information about the giveaway? Thanks!!

    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  2. Hi Beth Ann. Hope the resource went down well with your kiddos. I sent my email address to you via smartphone - I think it reached you ok but please let me know if it didn't. Really looking forward to working together on the giveaway..



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