Heather over at Second Grade Perks has been a little "bummed out this week". She had a really great giveaway on the go and guess what - only 4 people entered! Needless to say she is feeling a little unloved. Worst of all, Heather is seriously considering giving up her blogging hat as she is beginning to feel that there is no-one out there...
We all know that this time of year is difficult - back to school, new bunch of kiddos to get to know, room to fix up, centres to prepare, and now for my US friends, you have CCS to contend with (we've had National Curriculum over here for years and we're still trying to get to grips with it).... It's a neverending circle of stuff to do. As a UK teacher, I am so glad that I found you all. I am so grateful for all the ideas, resources and most of all support that's out there for us all. The most wonderful thing about being together in Blogland is that we can all draw on each other for support. That's why it's so important that we take the time to keep in touch - leave a little love as we pass through each other's blogs, follow a few more friends, show our appreciation for all those fabulous freebies that people are prepared to share so freely.
So, friends, if you have a little spare time this evening, please pop by Heather's blog and give her a hug to show your appreciation.

Have a great Sunday everyone!
That was so kind of you Sue. I always enjoy Heather's blog. I'm heading over there now! :)
Second Grade Math Maniac: Pencil Sharpener Giveaway!
You are such a sweetheart! You just made my day. Thank you so much for your post!!
Second Grade Perks