Election Fever
Election fever has taken its grip. It may seem that it's an American thing, but there's a lot of interest on this side of the pond too. I know who I'm rooting for - but that would be telling.... shhhhhhhh..It's difficult to find a "way in" to teach young learners about the election process. Heaven knows it's hard enough over here (and our system is a little easier to get to grips with..), but boy is the US Electoral College system hard to grasp. So I feel for all your young kiddos. Yes, they do need to know something especially as they move into the higher grades. So... I've been busy!
Some of you may have already had a quick glimpse of part one of my my Presidential Election 2012 pack - an animated slide show. I posted it under cover of darkness last night as I didn't want to tell you all about it until part two was ready today. I spent most of today putting the finishing touches to part two - a huge activities pack which supports the slide show. They are both aimed at our older learners (who sometimes get overlooked in the process of resource-making - I hold my hands up to being guilty on that score sometimes...).
The slide show presents the facts about the electoral system in easy to understand child-friendly language, with cool kids graphics, lots of speech bubbles, sounds and animations.
The activities pack begins with a Cool Kids KWHL chart to brainstorm facts already known, things they want to know, and how they will go about finding out. Through teacher input and independent research, children then build up biographies of the candidates, and research the key issues they represent. Finally, they use books and websites to research information for their own presentation to the class on their chosen candidate.
I am so proud of this one! You can get the slide show and activities pack separately if you'd rather not have both. If you decide that you want both, the whole package is available at a discounted price of $8.50 when bought together - that's a saving of $1.50! Click the images for Teachers Notebook or the links for TPT.
slide show and activities pack discounted package through TN and TPT |
Activities pack through TN and TPT |
Animated slideshow through TN and TPT |
Busy Bee 500 Followers Giveaway
Now for some really exciting news (drum roll please...)!There seem to be lots of fantastic giveaways around lately. I have been lucky enough to participate in a few, and have made lots of new blogger friends and found lots of fantastic blogs that I never knew existed. Tomorrow Sara at Miss V's Busy Bees will be opening her huge 500 followers giveaway - and I mean HUGE..! There are so many wonderful prizes up for grabs. I'm really excited to be a part of it too. So for a chance of winning, pop on over to Miss V's Busy Bees and start clicking away at that Rafflecopter.
I'm off to bed now - travelling to Birmingham tomorrow (Mia has an audition for a part in CATS..) and I'm up with the lark at 5.30am.... So much for my extra hour in bed last weekend!
If you're in the path of Hurricane Sandy, stay in and stay safe.
Have fun in Birmingham! Good luck to Mia, too!!
Miss V's Busy Bees