Saturday, 7 January 2012

My First Blog Award

WOW!! I am over the moon to have been nominated by some wonderful people out there for my first BLOG AWARD!! Thanks for all your support - it's great to know that my ramblings are of use. Yippee!!! 

Here are the rules of the award:

1.  Show your appreciation to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to their blog. Thank you so very, very much, Chelsea at Diving in and Making a Splash!!

2.  Nominate other happy little blogs (200 followers or less) by posting a comment on their blogs.

3.  Post the award on your blog.

4.  Make sure to check out what these up-and-coming blogs have to offer!

My nominees are:
Chelsea of Diving in and Making a Splash!
Amanda at Learn, Laugh, Grow 
Lisa at Stories from Second
Adventures of Ms. Smith at Adventures of Ms. Smith
Cait of Sliding into First

Holly of Criss Cross Apple Sauce
Rachel of Sub Hub
Crystal of Kreative in Kinder

Huge apologies to anyone I might have left off
Happy blogging!!

Sue :)

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