Saturday, 7 January 2012

My First Day Back...

After a Christmas break that was longer than expected, I finally got back into the classroom yesterday. I managed to get a day's supply in a fairly local (10 mile radius) school - morning with Nursery/Reception (age 3-5) and afternoon with a combined Year 3/4/5 class. Those of you who may know me will chuckle at the first part, as I am a confirmed Upper Key Stage 2 teacher, and have a deep fear of children younger than 7... You will also laugh at the second part, as you will immediately recognise that a combined class spanning three year groups is bound to be fraught with problems - the Year 3 children will undoubtedly come with one or two issues, the Year 4 children will be in the class because they will probably be struggling in their own peer group. That leaves the Year 5 children - you got it, the poor mites will be out of their depth.

Some of you may have read my plea on the OC blog for ideas for simple activities for teaching the younger children - thank you for all your support, much appreciated. As it happens, the morning went very smoothly and enjoyably. Read, Write, Inc (phonics) followed by snack and play. Number took us up to lunch... A doddle. I was even spoiled with a coffee and toast during snack time..

Surprisingly, the afternoon also went really well. A very mixed bunch of children thoroughly enjoyed a science lesson on light and shadows, followed by gymnastics. A success!

Bookings have started rolling in, and I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into the job. It's very different in one respect, but it does mean that I don't have to spend hours and hours poring over planning and assessment. Freedom - for a little while at least.


  1. Hi Sue!

    I just nominated you for another blog award! Check out my blog for the details!


  2. Thank you so much, Chelsea! I'm so glad you like the site. I'll be sure to keep it updated regularly with lots of useful stuff.



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