Sunday, 18 November 2012

Naughty, naughty... And a Little Freebie

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

It's been almost two weeks since I paid any TLC to my blog... In my defence, it has been hectic. My half termly planning dried up at the end of October, and with the London trip and all, I had no time to look at it during the break. Then it was in at the deep end and all hands on deck. In short, I've been frantically trying to whip up plans for all of my kiddos - all 120+ of them! I'm happy to say that it's coming to and end now - just in time for the Christmas break when I'll have to start all over again! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by paperwork, and although I am a planning junkie, it does take me away from what I should be doing - teaching.... Anyone else out there feel the same..?
 We don't have Thanksgiving over here, but when I have my own class I try to do lots of fun things with them all in the name of cultural development. Truth is, I LOVE customs and traditions from all over the world, and try to weave it into my teaching wherever possible - it makes for a much more interesting time. The next biggie for us is Christmas - of course. So I've started to turn my mind to keeping my kiddos interested and occupied. I thought I'd start by sharing a little freebie with you - a set of Snow Bear number cards. I just love these little guys! And it follows that my class will love them too. So it made sense to use them in the classroom.

You can use these little cards in your teaching - number centres, number walls, displays, bulletin boards, number work, calendars - you name it! Remember to post your pics of how you used them - I'd love to see.

Click the image for Teachers Notebook, or here for TPT

I have a matching set of letter cards available in my TN and TPT shops at a very reasonable $1.50 (that's around £1....)

Click the image for Teachers Notebook or here for TPT

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

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